Super simple subscription and booking solution

Booking and subscription solution with integrated membership system. Set up your products and charge with Vipps or Stripe!
Do you want to sign up for membership or book as a private person? Click here.
Period overview
Over 25,000 active subscriptions through our systems!

Subscription Solution

Subscription doesn't have to be difficult. With fixed payments through Vipps and Stripe, we take care of all the technical stuff, so you can focus on your customers!

Booking solution

In collaboration with our customers, we have created a smooth, simple and easy-to-use booking solution that allows you to easily start with bookings!
What do we offer?

Payment and membership management need not be difficult

Pay with link/QR - No website needed

Subscription and booking come in many forms and do not necessarily have to have a website. Link up url or QR code where your customers are located.

Change the amount of active subscriptions/booking products

Are you going to inflation-adjust the product? Or do you give out a discount in December? Regardless of whether the price is going up or down, we make it easy for both end user and business to make changes to active products.

Payment with Vipps

It doesn't get any easier for your customers than offering payment with Vipps. For you as a business, the money automatically goes straight from Vipps to you every month. We will send you an invoice afterwards.

Member Register

Keep control of all your active members. Choose what kind of information you need from your customers. For example: name, address, mail and phone number.

No fixed fees for the first 30 days

We strongly believe that our products will meet your needs. That's why we let you test the solution for 30 days - absolutely free!

No-code solution

Our solution is super easy to get started with. Little technical expertise is needed to get started, so you can focus on selling your products!
Logo testimonials

We switched to Periode this summer and have very good experience with the system. We saved both time and capital by switching to Periode!

Robert owner of Nausta
Logo testimonials

Periode's solution means that the path from idea to finished marketable product is shortened dramatically!

Christian's Good Bread
Christian Enger
Entrepreneur Cristians Bra Brød & Managing Partner Pressworks

Subscription and Booking Prices

Periode should be easy and affordable, with no hidden extra costs!


No startup cost. Transaction fee to Vipps/Stripe comes in addition.
1.99% + 20$/mth


No startup cost. Transaction fee to Vipps/Stripe comes in addition.
1.99% + 79$/mth
Customer Stories

Want to get to know Period better?

We talked to several of our clients. Hear what they have to say about us!

Have you considered starting a sauna? -
With operations can be automated

We had a chat with Lars Grov from Holmestrand Badstuforening who has automated their sauna using

Do you want to keep the subscribers? - Choose Periode over Invoice

Struggling to keep your subscribers? After we at Hagemagasinet switched to the Vipps-based subscription system Period, we have managed to reduce dropouts from 40 per cent to 10 per cent.